Tiny Cabins

There are many tiny cabins being featured today, but this one high in the Alps is special.  This is a high altitude refuge. It is 52 sq ft and was built in honor of Luca Vuerich, a mountain guide and well loved climber who died at the age of 34 when he was caught in an avalanche.
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It is constructed from CNC-machined X-LAM wooden panels and 3 trusses standing on 6 concrete columns that come out from the rocks.
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Due to its extreme altitude, the building materials had to flown in via 18 helicopter trips. Once they had everything on-site, a team of 12 people assembled the gable roof shelter in only a day.

Nowadays, the ‘Camping Luca Vuerich’ rests in isolation in the crest of the Foronon Buinz Mountain, as an monument to Luca’s life.

Via Bored Panda

Photos by Giovanni Pesamosca


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